
Just another day in paradise

It's another hot and humid day in Florida! A little too hot for my taste, but I'm adjusting. a

And 5pm tonight starts another weekend! Thank goodness!

We don't have another list this weekend. Tom and I just plan on spending some QT together. It's been a long work week so I doubt we'll do much of anything productive. But sometimes you need weekends like that. We still have laundry to do, a house to be cleaned, some plants and herbs to tend to, so we won't be complete bumps on logs, but we're making the priority this weekend just to relax and spend lots of time together. :) My favorite!

So for your weekend eye candy...the reason why I really wanted an outdoor wedding...

Too bad my mom is too much of a nervous freak to let me have one :(

In other news...I'm trying something new...head over to For Sweets Sake to see what!

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