
It's just another manic monday

I really do wish it was Sunday. Even though the weekend was pretty lame because I had a cold. I was trying so hard to not get worse because it's going to be a long week at work. So lots of relaxing, we went to see Get Him To the Greek on Saturday night. So funny. I still have a sore throat, but I'm hanging in there.

And almost like magic, it's Monday morning already. My clock keeps switching ahead an hour so I keep thinking time is flying by...but no. It is still just 9:47am and many hours of work left to go. What a tease.

As far as this weekend's list of things to do, it was pretty much a fail.

This weekend's list:
Finalize details of wedding favor design
Record super secret project ;)
Start putting together favors
Find ribbon
Pick out bridesmaid jewelry (I'm only done with 23/6 girls accessories)
Make sure everything that needs to be ordered is ordered
Check on apple orchard and centerpiece apples
Talk to DJ and set up a time to chit chat in the next month or 2
Find cheap apothecary jars

Ok, so not an all together failure but not exactly a success. And I might still change my mind over the favor design. Helloooo indecisiveness! How I've missed you all these months! And I was doing so good at making decisions! My bridesmaids are very different people. Honestly, where do I find these friends? haha so I wanted to get them individual jewelry to fit their personalities. And because I know some of them would love some big chunky bling, others would never wear anything too flashy or large. It's been a bit of a challenge, especially since I am not a jewelry wearer. At all. Unless it's for a big fancy event, the only jewelry I have on is my ring. So I've just been jewelry browsing for a few months now and when I see something that screams a certain bridesmaid, I'll buy it. Halfway done! and hopefully they all like what I'm finding them! :)

Hope everyone has a great Monday! School finished here last Friday so today is the first official no-school day of summer! Hope everyone is enjoying the beautiful summer time!

Picture from the lovely Elizabeth Messina of Kiss the Groom.

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